Waihong Services Group is an equal opportunity employer in the business of improving the environment and the quality of life for our community. As a responsible corporate citizen, we foster a sense of responsibility amongst our staff to hold society as our company stakeholder and work towards its improvement; support and participate in various kinds of charitable events for community awareness; and employ the best environmental practice at all levels of our operation.

Our expertise is to put to good use with our teams cleaning the households of the elderly regularly. We have been recognized as a Caring Company by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service that commends our endeavors in upholding our corporate social responsibility.

Waihong achieved awards and recognitions from different organizations.

CSR Activities

2019 The Community Chest 50th Anniversary Walk for Millions

Waihong joined with FSE Services Group Limited (FSE) & all Business Units under FSE and their friends & families to participate “The Community Chest 50th Anniversary Walk for Millions” on 6 January 2019. The route starts from Edinburgh Place, Central, passes through Central – Wan Chai By Pass and finishes at Oil Street, North Point in about 2 hours. The fund raised from this walk will be designated to support the Chest’s member social welfare agencies in enhancing “Family and Child Welfare Services”, without deduction of administrative costs.

FSE Caring Day 2018

On September 8, 2018, a group of Waihong volunteers joined with FSE Holding Limited (FSE) and jointly organized with The Kowloon Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society and the Heung Hoi Ching Kok Lin Association to visit 100 singleton elderlies living in Kowloon City and To Kwa Wan.
Totally 226 volunteers from FSE and Waihong participated in the event and distributed our “Fook” packs to the elderlies, which included the well cooked meal and soup, a towel, snail cracker, a stick, some dried food and our care and love to them.

Joyful Summer School – Movie Day

Waihong Services Group collaborated with the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association to hold the Joyful Summer School – Movie Day on 21 August 2018. Waihong provided a memorable day to the children from underprivileged families in their summer break. The event aimed to encourage further collaboration in fostering a cohesive, inclusive and caring society.